
When it comes to the success of your company, BDO is the right partner for you. With our many years of experience in the consulting and auditing business, we offer you the highest quality at 28 offices throughout Germany. Our experts from the Audit & Assurance, Tax & Legal and Advisory divisions in Berlin are your contacts for first-class service in the capital of Germany. You will receive competent support from our nationwide industry centers and specialist departments. With interdisciplinary teams of experts, we offer you more than 400 individual cross-divisional services that are precisely tailored to your individual needs.

Our employees look after clients throughout Germany personally, with great commitment and specialist know-how. International networking is just as much a key component of our range of services as our regional roots. We are a founding member of the international BDO network established in 1963 - the only globally active auditing and consulting organization with European roots and well over 100,000 employees today.

Tax and commercial law advice for public companies

In Berlin in particular, you will be advised by our experts in the field of public companies. Our Public Business Consulting division handles all special regulations relating to the taxation of publicly owned companies. We offer sector-specific advice on taxes and business law for the public sector (and its own companies). In addition to the VAT-optimized structuring of subsidies and the optimization of your divisional accounting, our focus in tax optimization consulting is also on the tax recognition of the cross-association and permanently loss-making activities. This service of BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft also includes the identification of commercial enterprises and optimization with regard to capital gains tax.

Our organizational advice on tax and commercial law consistently considers the framework conditions of employment, public procurement, state aid and municipal law. Our lawyers and tax advisors provide you with comprehensive advice on optimizing your municipal group, mergers, and spin-offs as well as inter-municipal cooperation. As we are aware of the special features of municipal decision-making processes, we focus on feasibility at every stage of the advisory process. Ultimately, our advice to public companies is aimed at successful practical implementation.

Tax consultancy in Berlin for various areas

BDO's service portfolio includes the entire range of tax consulting as well as related business law consulting services. (We pursue the goal of reducing your tax burden in the long term). Due to the growing complexity of tax law, we attach particular importance to structuring tax advice. Our clients in Berlin value our expertise in all specialist areas.

One of our specialties is VAT. In addition to a comprehensive analysis including recommendations for action, our experts check the correct treatment of all services in your company as part of a review. We also use in-house workshops to sensitize your accounting and sales staff to issues that are significant from a VAT perspective. We summarize the knowledge gained from the review and the workshop in a VAT manual. Our range of VAT services is rounded off by optimization using the SAP® tool and tax compliance and a hotline for direct consultation with our competent experts.

Secondment of employees / Customs duties, excise duties and foreign trade law

As the intensive networking of markets, the globalization of companies and cross-border know-how transfers in the form of employee secondments are part of everyday business life these days, employers must deal with the regulations of the target country accordingly. Our experts in Berlin are on hand to advise you and work with colleagues from the global BDO network to develop tailor-made solutions for you.

Our Customs, Excise and Foreign Trade Law department advises its clients from the German capital in all legal areas of indirect taxation and foreign trade law. Benefit from our interdisciplinary approach and the synergy effects between our experienced teams of experts.

Industry Center Real Estate

Our Real Estate Services sector center is also based in Berlin. In recent years, we have observed a demand effect on the real estate market caused by low interest rates, which has led to significant price increases in some cases and an increase in supply for project developments. In our industry center, we offer you tailor-made solutions to help you master the current situation on the real estate markets. Our services in this area include transaction services, real estate due diligence and legal advice as well as construction audits and profitability studies in residential development.

Further areas of expertise: Corporate finance, due diligence, IFRS and compliance

Your contact to BDO

In Berlin and at 27 other offices throughout Germany, our auditors, tax advisors and other experts support you in all company-related matters. We offer you support that is as intensive as it is personal, regardless of your sector or legal form. If you have any questions about our services, get in touch with your contact person in Berlin to receive competent support with many years of experience.

Contact us!

Martin Behrendt

Martin Behrendt

Certified Tax Advisor, German Public Auditor, Partner, Audit & Assurance
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Michal Mikolajczyk

Michal Mikolajczyk

Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Tax & Legal
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Christoph Neumann

Christoph Neumann

Tax Consultant, Auditor, Partner, Tax & Legal
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Torsten Rehmer

Torsten Rehmer

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Audit & Assurance
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Silvia Sartori

Silvia Sartori

German Public Auditor, Partner,
Audit & Assurance,
Country Coordinating Partner USA
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Frank Wiethoff

Frank Wiethoff

Partner, Management Advisory
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Julia Wirth

Julia Wirth

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Audit & Assurance
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