Veit Gerlach
The financial sector has undergone some lasting changes since the 2007-08 financial crisis. Basel III, CRR, CRD IV, Solvency II, MaRisk, MiFID, EMIR and KAGB/AIFMD all set out rules that financial institutions had to be rolled out and implemented. Innovative technology and customer centricity are a key requirements. As a result, it is more crucial than ever that implementation processes are efficient and that supervisory requirements stipulated by law are applied effectively and efficiently.
We provide our regulatory services with the aim of assisting financial institutions, insurers, pension funds and asset managers with a wide range of supervisory processes to ensure that their business models are ‘fit fot the future’. On this note, we also offer support in particular to foreign investors and financial services companies looking to enter the German market – we assist the implementation of regulatory requirements and the digital transition. In this regard, we adopt an interdisciplinary approach to all relevant issues, including regulatory and corporate law advice (BDO Legal).
The BDO Financial Services team advises in line with the EBA guidelines on the standardised Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP), with a particular focus on business model analysis (BMA) and internal governance.