Dr. Niels Henckel

Dr. Niels Henckel

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence

Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group

Executive summary

Dr. Niels Henckel is Partner in the Technical Accounting Center of Excellence (TACE). He deals with the entire spectrum of national accounting.


  • Expert opinions on accounting in line with HGB
  • Audit support consultancy for client-specific topics of national accounting
  • Speaker for trainings on national accounting
  • Author of numerous articles on issues of national accounting
  • Member oft he following expert working groups of the Instituts der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V.: „HGB-Rechnungslegung“ (HGB-Accounting), „Altersversorgungsverpflichtungen im HGB-Abschluss“ (pension obligations) and „Vergütungsberichterstattung“ (remuneration report)
  • former member of the disbanded working group „Währungsumrechnung“ (currency translation) of the Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee e.V.